Introducing Swirly Painted Ornaments!*
Ok so here is what you will need:Glitter or Pearlescent paint (easily found at a craft store such as Micheals for $1-$2 per bottle and one bottle will make many ornaments)
Clear Glass Ornaments (again, easily found at craft stores, I would suggest picking some up now when they will be deeply discounted, but if you buy them at the beginning of the holiday season you will be paying around $5 for half a dozen)
Paper Towels
This is super simple, just remove the metal stopper (gently, they can break easily) and squeeze a tiny amount of paint (about the size of a nickle) into the ornament. Add another color. Fold up a sheet of paper towel and hold it over the opening and shake and swirl! You will get different patterns depending upon how you squeeze the paint into the ornament and how you shake it. You may need to add more paint to completely cover the inside of the ornament, but only add a little at a time as it is difficult to get the paint to dry if there is too much in there. Set the ornament out to dry with with opening facing up. The drying process may take several days and you may need to rotate the ornament every day or so so that paint doesn't pool in one spot and throw off the pattern. When completely dry, replace the stopper.
I gave away many of these this year for about 25 cents per piece, maybe a little less. People ooohhd and awwwddd over them.
I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday!
*For the record I did not take this picture. I got it via a google search. When I went to take a picture of the ones I had made, my camera was being fussy.